Temporary Protection Regime
The Portuguese government has applied the temporary protection regime to Ukrainian citizens and their relatives who cannot return to their country due to the war situation.
The regime also covers citizens of other nationalities residing in Ukraine who cannot return to Ukraine for the same reason.
Within this framework, the temporary protection regime applies to citizens
- nationals of Ukraine and foreign nationals of other nationalities or stateless persons who are beneficiaries of international protection in Ukraine, coming from that country and unable to return there as a result of the war situation;
- foreign nationals of other nationalities or stateless persons who are in the circumstances described above and who can prove that they are family members, namely relatives, relations, spouse or unmarried partners of the citizens mentioned in the previous paragraph ;
- who are permanent residents in Ukraine, or have a temporary residence permit ;
- who are in possession of a long-stay visa for this type of permit and whose safe and durable return to their country of origin is not possible.
Portugal created a special protection program for Ukrainian citizens coming from the conflict with the attribution of a Temporary Protection Status, which includes:
- Tax Identification Number (NIF);
- Social Security Identification Number (NISS);
- National Health Service (SNS) user number.
More information at:
For further clarifications contact: SEFforUkraine@sef.pt